Emma Bird, Area Contract Manager at KWB Corporate Cleaning, faced her fear of heights by jumping 14,000 ft from a plane for Edward’s Trust

KWB employee marks 35th anniversary of local charity by jumping 14,000 ft

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Emma Bird, Area Contract Manager at KWB Corporate Cleaning, faced her fear of heights by jumping 14,000 ft from a plane to mark the 35th anniversary of local bereavement charity, Edward’s Trust.

Emma was one of 35 people to take part in the skydive at Langar Airfield in Nottingham, which has raised over £33,000 for the charity.

Emma Bird, Area Contract Manager at KWB Corporate Cleaning, marks 35th anniversary of local bereavement charity, Edward’s Trust with charity skydive

Commenting on the moment before she jumped, Emma said: “It was incredibly nerve-wracking. Sat on the edge of a plane, looking down at where you’re about to jump; it was the scariest thing I’ve ever done.

“When I jumped, I was amazed at how noisy it was and it’s so hard to catch your breath. But then, when the parachute opens, your whole experience changes in an instant. I couldn’t get over how peaceful and tranquil it was from that point on.

“Whilst the skydive was certainly terrifying, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Edward’s Trust is such a valuable charity and is supporting so many families across the West Midlands. I’m honoured to have been able to take part in the skydive and raise money that will allow them to continue helping others when they really need it.

“My mission now is to convince more of the KWB team to take part in a wing walk with me – watch this space!”

Emma Bird, Area Contract Manager at KWB Corporate Cleaning, admiring the view from 14,000 ft to raise funds for local bereavement charity

Birmingham-based Edward’s Trust supports bereaved parents, children and young people in the West Midlands. Operating at the highest level, they provide qualified counselling and holistic support for complex or prolonged grief. Edward’s Trust receives no government funding and is reliant on donations from the public and local businesses to continue to offer its services free of charge.

Daniel Salinas-Cordova, Fundraising Assistant at Edward’s Trust, said: “We are so grateful and proud of Emma, and all the skydivers who took part, raising such an impressive amount for Edward’s Trust. Fundraising like this really does make all the difference and has a very real, and direct, impact on the lives of bereaved families in the West Midlands.

“On the day, we passed the £30,000 mark just before the first plane went up, which was an incredibly special moment for everyone. The total is continuing to rise and we want to say thank you to everyone who has donated so far.”

This is the second charity event that KWB has taken part in for Edward’s Trust, having raised over £31,000 by abseiling 100m down the 33-storey Bank Tower 2 in Birmingham last year.

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