Office design
When approaching a new office design, we take into consideration identity and branding, staff requirements, the visitor experience and, of course, your budget. Imagery and concepts will be fine-tuned with you, until we have a final detailed design that meets your needs.
Whether reorganising your existing office space or relocating to new premises, we will plan and design the offices with budget costings that ensure design schemes are in line with financial aspirations.
Our independence of any specific contractor enables us to provide innovative and impartial designs that feature:
- Space planning
- Concept design
- Budget costings
- Detailed design
- Detailed design brief
- Financial parameters
See what to expect as our client.
New ways of working
The newest trends in working are transforming the office. As a result, breakout areas are increasing, and excess desks are being scrapped. Subsequently, employers are seeing happier and more productive staff, that are easier both to recruit and retain.
Assessing your staff demographic – be they millennials, boomers or both – allows us to be smarter in our approach to creating the right office space for you. Consequently, we can help you revolutionise your office space, and reap the benefits of the latest ways of thinking about the workplace.
Aesthetics and interior design
Deconstructing the traditional views of the office, and how it should look and operate, is a global trend.
Developing an identity for the space, with exposed surfaces, feature walls and exposed lighting, more commonly known as ‘Hipster Space’, is proving to be very attractive to millennials when choosing where they want to work. However, this isn’t just a matter of meeting the needs and expectations of the younger, and incoming generations.
We can discuss with you, the possibility of incorporating on-trend design elements in a sophisticated way that adheres to your corporate identity. We aim to deliver workspace that pleases you, your existing workforce and the staff you are looking to attract.
Adaptable, proactive and practical
Every workspace is different. We’ll identify any constraints imposed by the building itself, before the work begins – even before designing. In our experience, discovering a structural, electrical or mechanical issue later in the process can have serious cost implications, to you.
“KWB advised on everything, from negotiation of the lease through to the final fit out of the offices. This culminated in a workspace that we are extremely proud of and meets the specific requirements of our business.”
Russell Arnott, Finance Manager, Caterpillar Financial Services (UK) Ltd
Want to know more?
Contact Adrian Southall
0121 212 5985