Professional office cleaning

One of the highest costs of just running your office is the janitorial office cleaning and washroom services.

Despite this, the quality of service and value for money that companies receive is often overlooked by business owners in today’s time-pressed working environment.

KWB Corporate Cleaning provides professional, intelligent, cost-effective solutions for maintaining a clean, hassle-free working environment for offices and commercial property. With security and reliability uppermost in our minds, our team of loyal commercial office cleaning staff is handpicked and reference checked.

Our personal approach towards clients starts with ‘walking the premises’ and discussing with them their specific commercial office cleaning requirements, frequencies and expectations from which we create a detailed cleaning specification and site manual. We tailor and implement a personal office cleaning service with regular two-way communication and monthly audits to maintain consistency of delivery and to ensure that we are meeting customer needs.

In addition to observing all health and safety standards, particularly in relation to COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health), we adopt a ‘green cleaning’ approach and incorporate the use of eco-friendly cleaning products and technologies wherever possible.

As a washroom services provider, we offer a range of office hygiene products and sanitary services to meet your specific requirements. From product delivery and installation, to maintenance and servicing, we ensure that your washrooms are safe and hygienic whilst meeting current European legislation. Our best value procurement management services can also supply all of your washroom supplies and janitorial office cleaning consumables.

For any enquiry please contact us or visit our dedicated website.