Workplace poll decides new Black Country home for Aptos

Staff at the Black Country arm of global retail technology giant, Aptos have chosen their new premises by voting on a shortlist drawn up by KWB Workplace for the company’s office relocation.

The remarkable display of workplace democracy followed a decision by the Atlanta-headquartered company to look for a new location in West Bromwich.

Adrian Southall, Director of KWB Workplace, admitted it was the first occasion he’d heard of an employer allowing staff to decide on their future premises.

“The company was very happy with West Bromwich as an area but considered their current office to be poorly suited to a growing business. They also wanted an internal environment which reflected their brand as an international player in the technology sector,” he said.

“They had certain requirements around ease of access and car parking, and also wanted a quality building in which to create a bespoke workplace. We researched the market, and identified five possible locations.

“Connectivity was crucial, so I wasn’t surprised that they chose 40 Birmingham Road, which fronts onto the A41, is 100 yards from junction one of the M5, and very close to the Hawthorns’ train and Metro station.

“Once that building had been selected, they then asked KWB to project manage the design and fit-out of their 7,300 sq ft space. Everything came in on time and to budget, and it was very pleasing to help them achieve all their aims.”

Aptos is a global supplier of retail technology solutions, with more than 1,300 employees operating from offices in Atlanta, Hong Kong, Milan, Monterrey, Montreal, Paris, Toronto and Shanghai.

Jim Morris, Aptos’s Head of Business Operations, worked closely with KWB’s Southall throughout each stage of the relocation project.

“We polled our colleagues before we took the decision. When it came to the fit-out, we had brand guidelines to adhere to, and a tight deadline to meet, but also a fairly free hand in terms of design and layout. As a non-property professional, I was extremely grateful for Adrian’s support and guidance,” he said.

“He was very pragmatic and knowledgeable throughout the whole process, and we would have really struggled to achieve that we have, without his and his team’s input.

“We are really proud of our new office, and look forward to our clients and colleagues making good use of the new workspace and all that it offers.”

If you would like to discuss your workspace requirements, office relocation or would like to find out more about KWB Workplace’s services, contact Adrian Southall on 0121 233 2330 or email