Continually managing our team's skills to guarantee consistent high quality cleaning.
Each member of the KWB team completes our induction traning. This is crucial to ensuring our whole team embraces our culture and approach to cleaning. We’ve designed our induction process to ensure that all employees are trained in good working practices from the outset of employment. Visual aids and demonstrations are used in all our task skill training to illustrate working procedures and make them easier to understand, retain and replicate.
Health & Safety
In this line of work, Health & Safety forms a mandatory and substantial part of the training process. In addition, we are an ISO 45001 accredited organisation – because the safety of you and our team is vitally important. We ensure that all our staff have up-to-date training on how to deliver their work, in line with safety legislation and best practice.
Proactive auditing
Training is an ongoing process. We regularly audit the service we are providing and, if we find that our staff would benefit from additional training, we’ll provide that – maintaining the high standards and efficiency of the work done.